Opportunity to Sow Seeds


Blessed are those who have eyes to see the Lamb of God. And if some of you cannot see Him, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes so you can behold Him. You can be Christian for so many years and never, ever, ever behold Him. Blessed are those who have eyes to see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of Marlene, and of yours, and of Neves, and of Brazil, and of the U.S.A, and of the nations of the Earth. 

I would like to share something that God gave me in 2018. This is something that I have been carrying inside of me since then, and I have applied it to my life, daily. I know that when God gave me this word, I knew this word would sustain me for the rest of my life, and it has. I would like to talk about the baptism of death. I remember during worship, we were singing about “nothing will separate me from the love of Christ” (Romans 8). That moment was so holy because then I remember I started singing spontaneously, and what came out of me was the phrase, “Nothing will separate me from the death that He has for me.” I remember what happened inside of me because the rest of the scripture says: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” (…) “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35-38,39). It talks about not tribulation, not distress, not persecution, not hunger, nor the sword, nothing will separate me from the love of God. 

Then I took that scripture, and I thought nothing will separate me from the death that He has for me. Even if I go through tribulation, I cannot be separated from this death He has for me. The same way the Lamb of God was slain even before the foundation of the Earth, God has designated a death for us. To every single one of us, God has designated it. He has set it. He says I have a death for you as well. 

Even if I go through persecution, I cannot be separated from this death. Even if I go through pain, I cannot separate myself from it. Even if I go through whatever, I cannot be separated, and I will not be separated from it because this is what our flesh does. When we start feeling pain, our love for Him starts growing cold because we don't want to suffer anymore, and then you yourself separate from the death that He has for you. That was a powerful declaration we were saying. Nothing will separate me from the death that He has for me! 

I remember Esther. Don't think of her as a woman. Think of Esther as a person who loved God so much, who loved her people so much, that she decided, “If I

die, I die.” “Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer: Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.” Esther 4:15,16

I was separated. I was marked by God to set these people free. So, if the price that I have to pay is with my death, so let it be! She said, if I die, I die. She was not concerned about her own self. She was not concerned about anything else. She knew her calling, and this is our calling as well. God has called us to die for Him. God has sent His Son to die for us. Now, it is our turn to die for Him. To die for Neves. To die for Brazil. To die for our sisters. To die for our brothers. To die for our husbands. To die for our wives. This is our calling! God said this so clear, “I promise you.” God is saying this to you: “Hot Brazil and Hot U.S.A. I promise you, if you let the death that I have for you to operate, to do everything that it was sent to do in you, I will resurrect you according to My image.”

It's a promise from God.  “If you die for me, I will resurrect you in My image.” Then God took me to Lazarus. “Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.” John 11:39-44

Amazing! We saw the power of God manifesting right there! But there is one difference between Lazarus and you and me. When Jesus said Lazarus come forth, he came forth, but he came forth looking just like Lazarus. When Jesus calls us to come out of the tomb, we come out looking like Him. Do you understand what I am saying? We all keep looking at Lazarus in the passage and that's amazing, amazing power of God, but God took me to a whole new level of revelation. When I look at the passage now, I see that Lazarus could not have been resurrected to look like Christ yet. No, because Jesus Himself had not been crucified yet. He had not been to the tomb yet. He had not received the glorified body yet. But once that happened, the power of resurrection was released once again, but not only to resurrect people from death to life, but to resurrect people from the way that they used to be into the image of Christ. 

It's way more glorious now! I wonder how people started glorifying God when they were looking at Lazarus and looking at that situation. But imagine if they could see you now. They would have said, “Lazarus, I am sorry. It was awesome what happened to you, but this glory, Lazarus, that I am seeing right now through your resurrection cannot be compared to what I am seeing in 2024.” Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I think Lazarus would have been jealous of you. So, people get so excited about the baptism of water, the baptism of fire, but God wants us to be excited about the baptism of death as well because that is the only way to see and experience the power of His resurrection. 

“But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be.  Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” Luke 12:50-53

The baptism of death will cause division, and division is another thing we try to avoid at all cost because we don't like confrontations. He was saying in this specific passage, “Listen, I did not come to bring peace. I came to bring division.” And what have we experienced on a daily basis? Alignment! Division! Separation! And when we face situations like this, it doesn't feel peaceful at all! The flesh starts getting agitated. The flesh starts responding to it. The flesh starts giving you many reasons why you should not die and why you should not receive the Word that is being spoken. When God is like this, “No, I need to divide these things: your flesh, My Spirit, your life, My life, your dreams, My dreams…” When we face situations as God flips our lives upside down, we can get confused. I know that in the system, they always say, “Well, God is not a God of confusion. If you feel peace about it, it must be God.” But let me tell you this: when God is trying to bring division, you will never feel peace in your life because that is the moment when He comes with the sword. That is the moment when He comes to divide everything. Then He brings it up to you. Then He says, “Okay, you see now. I have divided. It’s clear now what is Mine and what is not. The seeds that you have planted inside of you. The plans that you have made for you. The future that you have planned for you and your family and children, you see it now. There is no confusion. It’s right here. But all of these have to die so you can live what I have for you.”  And that is when you need to make a decision, right there. 

I am telling you, until you decide to let every single thing die, you will never find peace in yourself. You will have some breakthroughs. You will feel good once in a while, but when you go home, God will not allow you to rest in peace. God Himself will do that because He is coming to you and saying, “Honey, I am here right now, not to bring you peace. The peace will come after My division. I came to bring division right now and alignment in the Body of Christ.” 

Alignment in the body of Christ is nothing more than this: Division, separation of the Spirit of God from the spirit of man, the spirit of God from the flesh. Once we understand that, and once we allow Him to burn everything up to the point that there is nothing left but ashes, we can’t be resurrected in His image. There is no other way for us to experience the resurrected life that He has for us. So, I have counsel for you: Stop trying to find peace if you are not allowing God to kill things in your life. It is going to be very tiring, and you are not going to get anywhere. 

This house is so full of revelation in so many different ways. There is no way for anyone who has heard the uncompromising Gospel to still live a life as an ignorant person concerning what God wants from us. So, you already know what He expects, but you just don't want to die. Interesting, as I am sharing this word, I am wearing all black. Prophetic. I came to your funeral. Hallelujah! But you will understand how glorious your death can be. By the end of this word, you will have such joy in dying. It's not going to be like, “Oh, I am dying! Look at me! I am obeying!” This is how we do, but it shouldn't be this way. No! What we saw in Jesus through the movies and what the world presents to us, it’s all about pain. Watch the movies about His crucifixion, and you will see. It was very strong, and it was heavy what He went through, but we cannot be focused on that. That’s the problem because this is what the system tells us: Death is something really bad and something really sad. 

But do you know what I really believe? There is no way I can prove this to you, but do you know what I believe? When Jesus was carrying that cross, inside of Him there was such a joy, a joy in dying in every step that He took. I am not coming against scripture. I understand that in the garden, He sweat drops of blood (Luke 22:44). I agree and am not coming against the holy scriptures. He was not just thinking about the suffering. No! He was thinking about the glory.  He was thinking, “I cannot wait to go to this cross because I know after that, in three days, I will be resurrected!” This is what you need to think about! 

You may say, I am going through a lot. Oh, but there is excitement about it. There is joy about it. Because I know for sure I will be resurrected in His image! You need to realign your mindset! You need to break your mindset! The suffering of this time cannot be compared to the glory that He has promised us (Romans 8:18) and to the resurrected life that He has for us. It's no longer just come out of the kingdom of darkness to His kingdom of light. It’s coming out of the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and manifest the light of Christ. So, stop that sad face and ask God to give you the joy. Ask God to give you that joy, to see that joy that has been set before you. 

“For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?”  2 Corinthians 2:15-16  

I am going to say the craziest thing ever. The sweet savor of Christ can only be smelled if, before that, there is this smell of death coming out of you. You are dying for His sake, for the sake of the truth, for the sake of the calling He has inside of you. Then that is when that smell of death is coming out of you, and that smell of death starts becoming a sweet fragrance unto God. We got it all wrong. Sweet fragrance is not that nice, expensive perfume. It has nothing to do with that. That smell of death that comes out of you attracts God’s nostrils. And if you don't understand it, when you start smelling that death, all you’re going to focus on is the death. God wants to change this today. The smell of death coming out of my own choices is what goes up and up and up and becomes that sweet fragrance. Your death has that sweet fragrance. Sweet fragrance. 

It doesn't make sense. If we see a dead animal out there, we don't want it to be around. We are going to cover our nose, and we don’t want to be near it. Oh, but look at what the Word of God says about when a saint dies. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalms 116:15). I am going to take this verse to another level as well. I am going to connect this verse as well with the baptism of death. What if this joy in death has to do with my and your daily death? We always connect this to martyrs. Have you ever thought when we die for Him how much He rejoices over it? Instead of getting away from us – like we do in the natural when we see a dead thing in front of us - God comes closer to us! Sweet fragrance. The death of the saints. Sweet fragrance unto God. Don't focus on the smell. The smell of death. Don't be in distress. Don't lose your hope. Just know this sweet fragrance is going up, going up, going up.

 “As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter”  (Romans 8:36). People say, “I love You Jesus!  I love You so much! I will do anything for You! Yes, Lord, you are my only one! You are my beloved! I will do anything for You! You are my everything! Oh, you are amazing!” But when it is time to prove their love for Him, they fail like Peter.

“For thy sake we are killed all day long.” This is one part of this scripture that I want to highlight, “we are killed all day long, all day long.” To die for Him, for His sake, all day long. Just once in your lifetime, it is not enough. I had two moments in my life that I experienced death in one day. Marlene was gone, dead. That was in 2005, when I got married, when God started revealing to me the plans that He had for me. But if I had not learned the truth of this portion right here, you know what would have happened to me? The resurrection power would have been on and off, on and off. One month, I would be looking like resurrected Christ, then the next month, like Marlene. But then… Oh yes, yes, looking like Christ, and then I start letting my flesh, persecution, and my pain separate me from the death He has for me. In this, I would have allowed my own self, the old Marlene, to be resurrected again. That means that I would have to face conflicts between living and dying all over again. So, just saying yes to my husband nineteen years ago is not enough, for I have learned that for His sake, we have been killed all day long. I have seen this conflict in people when they have not learned this portion right here. Just because you say, “Yes, God! Okay, I am going to do it,” it does not mean that you are going to find peace and joy in that if you don't apply this death daily. 

I love the Word about having clean hands but also a pure heart (James 4:8). Clean hands! Your hands can even be all bloody because you are showing them, “Yeah, yeah, I obeyed,” but in your heart, no, you are not fully where you are supposed to be. One day, you live for yourself, and the other day, you live for Him. And it keeps going back and forth.

So, I knew I had to die this death daily, every single day. Have you ever seen me miserable? Have you ever seen Shane miserable as he is obeying his calling to God? Never. Because he understood if he is dying daily, there must be a fragrance coming up daily, too. This fragrance doesn't come up only on Wednesday, only on Friday, only on Sunday. Oh, we have deceived ourselves! We thought a sweet fragrance unto God is singing and worship songs. But we just saw it in the scripture. Sweet fragrance is the smell of death, the smell of your flesh burning, the smell of your plans and dreams burning, the fragrance of death turning unto sweet fragrance before God. 

So, at another time, I had that crucial death moment. It was in 2018 when God told my husband the vision that God had for the city of Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil. I had no plans to come back to Brazil. None. But the moment Shane came out of our bedroom, he looked at me and said, God is telling me something. It has to do with you and Brazil. Then I just knew. Here it comes again. It's so amazing! Once you learn to die daily, when you hear something like that, it's easy to obey because you are disciplining your flesh and teaching your flesh to be under submission to the will of the Father. So it is not a struggle. 

I am not Wonder Woman. I have my moments, too, but I have learned, “If I die, I die!” I have said that to God. I have a commitment with God, I have a commitment with my husband, and because of that, I have a commitment with you all - the Body of Christ.  I cannot fail you! I cannot because once I said it, I cannot take it back. I know the Word of God, and I got revelation about it. The same revelation I got many years ago, you are getting now. So, there is no way I could say that I didn't know about that. Nobody told me. I knew without him explaining anything to me. I just knew. I just knew this is another phase. I cried, and I cried. I cry, and I am still crying, but now I cry because of the joy that is set before me. Do you understand it? The smell of death, the smell of death coming out of Marlene, and a sweet fragrance. The kingdom is like this… dying to live. I believe that God is preparing the way for us to get to this place. 

Another thing I want to say is this: There is no sudden death. I wish I could die once and for all. Sometimes, I wake up and say, “Why don't you just let this die once and for all?” Right, there is some stuff in us that we don't want to stay inside of us. Why don´t we kill it once and for all? Then you cry all night long and then wake up in the morning, and you think it is gone, but it is still there. It is so frustrating, but this is what He is doing, day by day, daily. Then He says in that verse, we are sheep for the slaughter. Then I was thinking, it says “sheep”, but sometimes we are like bulls. Paul was an amazing man. He understood it. Christ Himself is like a sheep as well. He suffered. He was beat up. People said so many lies about Him. He was the first to go to the slaughter. He was that calm, peaceful sheep for the slaughter. This is where God wants to take us. Peacefully. Everybody in the world wishes for one thing: to die peacefully. You know, though, in the Kingdom of God, that can happen, too. If you are going to die, die peacefully, beautifully. Stop fighting. Just let it be, just like Christ. Ask God to change that fighting heart inside of you. God will not change His plans concerning us. He is not going to pick somebody else. But there is always this fight!  But fight to die! Fight to obey! Just die!  Just die!

I know there are a lot of verses that say the kingdom of God is like this; the kingdom of God is like that. Then, I came up with my own definition. The kingdom of God is like a slaughterhouse, but also, the kingdom of God is like a resurrection life house. The same power that kills is the same power that will resurrect you. It is like a spiritual CPR. God was showing me that this spiritual CPR happens every time the flesh reacts. Something is almost dying, the process of that death that God has for the person starts manifesting, the death is almost done, and here it  comes, that CPR on the flesh trying to resurrect what God has already killed in your life. When you don’t see the power of your resurrecting, His power manifesting yet, all you are going to see is the dead thing lying in there. You may not see the smell, that fire coming up, and because of that, you go really quick trying to resurrect it. But don't touch it. Don't lose your hope! You will be resurrected according to His will and according to His image.

Let it die! Let your dreams die! Let your projects die! Let even your marriage die so He can resurrect it according to His will. Don't keep focusing on death. See it with the eyes of faith and smell it by faith. I know it stinks right now. I know God is doing something. The resurrection power is working there. Ah, then maybe the next day, you will start smelling differently. Then, when you look at it, you see that beautiful, sweet smell going up. Then suddenly, when you look again at that dead thing in your life, suddenly it's looking much better. But there is no way you can experience that if you try to resurrect that with your own hands, with your own power, and with your own ways. Just let it sit there, and don't even focus on it. I am telling you, and you will see that happening. 

“For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.” 2 Corinthians 4:11-12 

Hallelujah! I believe the words that God has been releasing are bringing you understanding. When death works in you, it will produce life in somebody else. The Word of God says there is no greater love than this (John 15:13). So, the death that is working in Shane for all of these years is producing life in so many others. And the same goes for you. If you let death operate in you, you will produce life in others. I know this is deep talk. I know some people may not understand everything. But just ask the Spirit of Revelation and the Spirit of Understanding to really explain it even better to you because we are always thinking about it in a carnal way. We are trying to understand spiritual principles through our mind, but it's not like that. I am talking about spiritual things. These spiritual things can only be perceived by the Spirit of God.

Maybe some of you are just Christian, just like Nicodemus. You go to church, you go to your church. You visit this church and that church, which is okay, but for you to understand what I am saying, it's not a matter of you being Christian but being born-again. I said this as part of my testimony. I was a Christian for 30 years, and I was never born again. I know this is a crazy thought, but this is true. So maybe you just need to be born again to understand it better. What did Jesus say to Nicodemus? You need to enter into the kingdom, but you need to be born-again (John 3:7,8).

So, I want to encourage you like the Word says. We are delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake. Isn't it interesting? We always say this to Jesus with tears in our eyes, “Jesus, I love you. I will do anything for you. I love you so much,” but we never thought about it. What if what He really wants you to do for Him is not to worship Him? It's not to go to the poor, not to go to the nations. The one thing that He wants for you is that you love Him to the point that you will die for Him because there is no greater love than this. That is how He showed how much He loves us: by dying for us! 

God did not show His love for humanity just by sending His Son. No. It was through His death. The same way, the best way and most acceptable way for you to prove how much you really love Him is when you decide today and tomorrow and every single day of your life to lay down your life for His. “I love you, Jesus,” Peter said that, but he was so overcome by his own emotions and zeal. Back then, I don't think Peter knew about this dying daily. Peter was just like most of us, carrying on with just an emotional commitment. “Of course, I’ll do it!” but we never do it.

How many times is the Holy Spirit moving so beautifully, and you're like, “Yes Lord, I will do it! I will do it!” Then, slowly, you start leaving this place, “I will do it. I will do it.” Days go by, and you start giving up on dying, “Maybe not today.” Peter did not have the revelation. He wasn't even born from the revelation and born again. He was a guy just walking with Jesus, just like the majority of us as Christians walking with Jesus. When Peter saw the slaughterhouse, he ran for his life. But once Peter decided, “I want to follow Him even unto death,” then Peter was totally overtaken by the Spirit of God, and he started having understanding and revelation, and he was empowered to do things that he really, really wanted to do. But until then, he didn't find any strength in his own self, and then he was like, I am going to die. He was persecuted! Nothing will separate me from the death He has for me. He understood it. He faced it. You just need to face it. 

“From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). What he is saying here... For I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. What are the marks that you are carrying? It is easy to identify those who are carrying the marks of Christ and those who are not. We don't need to point it out. Because those who carry the marks look like Christ, talk like Christ, and live like Christ. They are not perfect. Everything about you reminds of Christ. It is a selfish lifestyle. So, what are you saying about me? Don't bother me. I carry the marks of Christ, Paul said. Imagine when the world sees the Church of Christ carrying in herself the marks of Christ. Oh my God, that is going to be heaven on Earth! We are not there yet, but we are further than the place we used to be. I learned a lot with Paul. Leave things behind. That’s awesome. But then I need to set a goal right here and look at what things are to come, not at what I am going through. My measure is Christ. This is my measure, not perfection. 

Paul was saying, “Listen, you said this and this about me.” Some of the disciples did not like him. They got into a fight with another disciple. Paul did not care. Paul was walking all alone. Go ahead and say whatever you want to say about me, but don't bother me because I carry in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you go to school, they will see the marks of Jesus Christ in you. They will see a different life that you are living. They will really see what we are preaching manifested. I will no longer live but Christ that lives in me. But don't deceive yourself. Christ will never manifest in you to the fullness of it if there is no death daily. This is resurrection: I am not living the life I planned for myself. I decide to die daily. My flesh wants to do something else. I have all the reasons to be offended. I have all the reasons to be like a child. The childish thing. But no, it's the life of Christ, the resurrected life in Christ. Can you really say that you no longer live but Christ that lives in you? Yes, you can say that by faith. It is part of our process. It is part of applying the Word of God. But once you want to live for yourself, you remind yourself that your life is not your own. I can’t do whatever I want. This is not my decision anymore. 

Do you understand? Shane lives for Jesus. But also, Shane lives for you. It's 100% surrender. When you let everything die, resurrection comes up! I keep thinking about how God is putting all these pieces together. Some of you don't know about it yet, but we went to jail Friday, and on the way, a brother heard from the Spirit the word resurrectors. He was telling us we carry the same resurrection power in us. We were almost to the jail, right before the jail, and we drove by this cemetery, and then the name of the park was the Park of the Resurrection.

Hallelujah! I am telling you. I prophesy this: When Jesus comes back! He will find a resurrected body!  Oh, we are not going to be resurrected when He comes back, and then we go up there and then have a glorified body. This is part of it, but even before that, He will look at us, and even if He looks at us right now, and then He will see Himself in us. And He will tell the Father. Father, it's already happening! It's already happening! Your Church has been resurrected in My image, in My image! And He will be talking about you! He will be talking about you! It's not something that one day will happen. No! It's something that is happening now. It's happening with me. It’s happening with Your Church. It is happening with you! But you have to face your own death daily. 

“God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” Romans 6:4-6

This is the craziest thing: this verse has been here forever. But now, here is the breath: The Spirit of Revelation! 

“Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death worketh in us, but life in you.”  2 Corinthians 4:10-12

Here it is talking about the life of Jesus being manifest in our mortal body. Isn't it interesting that it doesn't say that the life of Jesus will be manifested in our glorified body?  No, it is saying in our mortal body, it will be manifested right now in you and in me. 

“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:3-4

So, it is promise after promise after promise. There is nothing I can do for you. There is nothing that even God can do for you. It is you deciding for yourself, not just once in a lifetime. Yup I married this guy. I am coming on Wednesday and Friday. Not about doing the check the mark.  It's daily! When you wake up and when you go to bed, It’s daily bringing everything before Him. I am telling you. You will see the resurrection power. I don't want to preach false hope. Just go and you will be ok. No, it's all for all. It’s all for all! He is doing His part, you do yours. He gave you His death and now it is your turn to give Him yours. And the resurrection power will be manifest in you. Let your excuse die. Every single one of them.  We are supposed to live our lives from glory to glory, from death to death, from glory to glory. Our Father doesn't want to look at us, with admiration and say, “wow. Wow. They are suffering for my sake. “Or look at you so miserable as you are obeying the calling. 

I want to honor Isabelle. She had just moved to Brazil.  And I said honey, this is our life. Life of death. God is not raising your family so your daughter will go to college. I'm sorry your son and your daughter will never find peace because this is a whole another lineage of Christianity. You have to understand that it’s all for all. I am not against college but what I am against is when we spend your time and spend your money, all of our effort raising up somebody to be used and misused by this corrupt system of the world. Doesn't make sense what I am saying. Hey kids, you got to get great grades at school though. You have to learn and be an example. You have the mind of Christ. No more going to the principal. Be light where you are at but never forget you are in it but you are not part of it. You are not part of it. 

Hallelujah! Sweet fragrance. I am telling you sweet fragrance will come out of us daily. I really hate when people present obedience as this amazing painful sacrifice. I hope you never see me like that because that is not me, and that is not my husband. I am going. I am doing. I have my relationship with him. I have this joy. I have this excitement. I'd rather just save money, save time. But if I gather with the saints I want to go somewhere. I need to be fed. Hallelujah. Thank you Father. Father, give us more grace. We want to die for you, graciously. 

Graciously. Oh, father restore in us. Actually, I can’t even ask God to restore that in us, I can't. Because I don't think this is something we are used to, to rejoice when it hurts, to rejoice when we are suffering, to rejoice when you look at something, and it stinks because it is dying, but there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot touch it, but if you have faith in everything God spoke today, you will have faith and the encouragement that things are not going to stay dead forever. It will be resurrected according to His image by the same power that raised up Christ from the dead. 

Slaughter, here I come!  I am not going to fight anymore! Some of you are so tired of fighting. It's carrying it all the time around That dead body. Instead of letting the thing that is dead, let it stay for a while if it is necessary. You are carrying around a dead body. I love what a sister had said once. She was talking about the fire, when the fire does not finish its work. When the fire is burning something then we remove yourself out of the fire. That flesh was burning. You know when someone burns the hand the hand doesn’t look the same.  We stop the process! We pull it out! We do the same thing concerning the death that we need to go through. So, if anything is dead, let it be so! Don't touch it but also have faith The resurrection date is here. Hallelujah!

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