I want profit, not the profit that they want but the profit that God wants to give me. You may bestow all your goods to the poor and you still profit nothing. Many go to the orphan and widow but they don’t profit anything because they do it for them to be seen by man. Many have faith and gifts but without love, you are not profiting anything. Many love knowledge and profit nothing. Some sacrifice their body but profit nothing.

What is the purpose of laying down your life? You may be doing that but your death profits nothing. Some people keep saying, “To God be the glory,” but they are all about themselves.

If you preach the Gospel, the Gospel will reveal the Truth because the Gospel is the Truth. Walk in the Spirit and the Spirit will show you what is right and what is wrong. False Christ, false love, and false grace profit you nothing, only confusion and illusion turning you to delusion. You better want profit from heaven.

The only definition of love comes from God. Webster is dead. God, by demonstration, told us what love is. On the cross, you see the definition of love. We have seen the demonstration. God said as He sent Jesus to die: “I must die so the World will know that I love them.” It does not matter how many kisses you blow, how many bags of groceries you give away, how many people you visit at the hospital, all of that may profit nothing. Even if you are very anointed, gifts and no fruit, you profit nothing. I have seen other religions doing the same. Legalistic people always are profiting nothing. Anointed people may be profiting nothing because it is all about the source, the reason why you are doing what you are doing. The motivation has to be God. The cross-less gospel does the same thing and profits nothing. Preach the cross and see how many people love you. NOT! They will hate you. Jesus said they will hate you because they hated Him first. Religious Christians believe that if you are not a man-pleaser or a world-compromiser, you are not in love. They are deceived. Love is the cross.

There is no way to profit anything without picking up the cross. Lay down your life for your brother. Love your enemies. Only when we walk that way do we start producing eternal profit. Judas’ affection towards Jesus was not real though it looked good to others. It was fake and slimy. When we come to God, it has be pure or it’s false. What you do to the least, you are doing to Him. Love has everything to do with your heart. It is easy to be nice to nice people, but try to love like Him. Love people not because of what they can give you but because of what God has given you. People around Jesus thought Judas loved Jesus but he loved himself. His affection was false. He worshiped Jesus with his lips on the outside but within a heart of hate. Many are just as fake as Judas today. So many Christians are fighting for their lie.

Profit is manifesting the fruits of what we are doing for the advancement of what? – of Him, His kingdom, and His glory. False love is taking glory for you but you pretend it is for Him.

A gospel without the cross… They may be preaching about the cross, outside the cross, on the side of the cross, but never from the cross. If you want to walk with Him, you need to walk through the cross.

False love will say: It is finished. If it is finished, why don’t you just throw the book (Bible) away and do what you want? It is finished for Jesus Christ. It sure was. It is finished for the devil and those who worship him, but as long as we are breathing, we have a cross. He did it for us. But He also said: “Now you have a race. Now you have a cross. Now you have to do the same: to become a slave of the cross or you will profit nothing.” What is being preached and taught is heresy because it is without the cross. Motivation without denying self and worldly lust is a perverted self-help heresy, and it is plaguing Christianity today.

Jesus said, “It is finished.” You have no right to say it until it is finished for you. He ran His race perfectly, and He learned obedience through what He suffered. Fully God, He became a man and a lamb to take away our sins and show us how we are to follow Him.

If I go to Brazil just to make the ministry known, it profits me NOTHING. You gain fame but you lose Him. We can’t have both. Nowhere in the Bible says that. The Bible says, “You need to make up your mind. Pick one master. If God be God, serve Him.” Nowhere in the Bible tells me I can have two masters. They say, “Let us mix it,” and you will have more people, but all you will have is a very weedy garden, a wide way, and it will choke out the Godly seed that was planted by Jesus Christ. False grace and false love are planting lies in the garden. The Bible says that these worldly cares will choke out the good seed – the good Words. The good seed is the God seed.

Stop to think what the real Gospel really sounds like. You may think the one you believe is pure, but that is called deception. I shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set me free.

Jesus spoke 2000 years ago and His message is still powerful. So preach the Word. His words. Not mixture, not motivation-best-life-now, not your purpose-driven selfish gospels. Most preaching today is not about Jesus but is about you. You better run from it. If they are not preaching the cross, their message will profit nothing. They don’t love Jesus or you but themselves.

If Jesus is not on the cross anymore, there is the place where we go to meet Him. The fruits come from the cross. That was when you humbled yourself. Salvation started there. Salvation is a lifestyle until you die. It is not a one-time kiss. It is not a one-night stand. It is a covenant. Don’t forget. God divorced Israel a few times back then.

The disciples were sent to cast out demons, but they could not because they were not picking up their daily cross. It is not how much you know Him but how much you and He are one. You want profit? Abide in Him. Look at the fruit. Don’t give up. He will keep cutting the branch so you can be producing and profiting a lot. When you are dead, you will be living in the glory all day long. Sometimes we are being defeated because we are not abiding. “Abide in Me and My words in You!” This is how we keep profiting.

God said even before He went to the cross: “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.” But people don’t want to listen to Him. People just wanted to do what they wanted to do. To listen to Jesus Christ pleases the Father. People are trying to love without the cross. It is impossible. Only if we keep in His commandments will His love abide in us. God likes the way He likes. We need to respect it and follow it. Selflessness is the cross. Nothing that I do to benefit myself will profit anything.

People are like, “Why, why, why? I am doing this and that.” But you are not doing it His way. That is why you don’t see any results. You are doing it but you have no profit. Stop. Look. Meditate and reset.

Boldly we must preach the Gospel. Call the sons of the devil, sons of the devil. Call the false, false. Until you know who Jesus is, you won’t know what love is. Until you have His words, you will profit nothing. The cross makes you sweat, as drops of blood. The cost is worth it all.

You are His friend, IF, you do what He tells you to do. Don’t forget it. If you are one with Him, why don’t you know what He is doing? Everyone who is picking up their cross knows what He is doing. He has ordained us to love (bear fruits). Love does not prove its own way. If your motivation is just to be right, you won’t profit anything. I want profit.

If people keep His sayings, they will keep mine as well. Who am I? Someone on the cross. Throw a seed and let it be. It may grow up during the years to come. Jesus became poor but that has nothing to do with money. He left that glorious place and came to the poorest, bound by sin, miserable place: Earth. He came to pick up a cross, thus showing us the way.

The Spirit of Truth will never force you, but He will guide you into all Truth if you want to be guided. And He will comfort you along the way. Those who want to be guided can’t be guided without the cross.

It is not about what we do for God but why we do it. See. Too many ignore some of Jesus sayings because they said that Jesus was talking to the Jew. Listen, when I read the Bible, I take all as if He is talking to me! This is the safest place.

What is love? Helping people or obeying God? What is love? Being kind? Or obeying God?

God never said, “Love is nice.” God never separated love from loving Him with all of your soul, mind, and strength. It is all or no profit. Telling the Truth to somebody is the clearest sign of love. That profits a lot. The picking up of your cross is the only way to profit in the kingdom of God. God said if you want see love, look at that cross.

God has not promised anything but Him. Because with Him, there is no other need.

Some do love their neighbors as themselves. They do love their neighbors because they love themselves more than God. But what came first: LOVE GOD above anybody else. When you cut the first commandment out, that is not the cross. You start loving your neighbor because of what you can gain. But God is always around and He sees it all. You are gaining nothing. You can’t love people without loving Him FIRST. The second part of His commandments is what everyone in the world is about: loving others. But false lovers take that first part out and try to do the second part but it profits nothing. The second part (love others) cannot be without obeying the first part (love God). It is impossible to love others purely without the first commandment. That is why all the law hangs on the first commandment too, not the second only. Look what hangs first in His order. God is a God of order!

It is not easy to love God because you will pay the price: the CROSS. People will hate you.

You want to have profit: LOVE GOD, first! What greater love than He sent His son to die for us all. False love is SELFISH. True love is SELFLESS. In that, there is huge profit. When we lay down everything, our fear, our insecurity, is when we pick up our cross. I need to pick up my cross, today! So we can profit so much for God. I want profit. How about you? 

Shane Roessiger

Word: 1 Corinthians 13, John 15, Matthew 22

FULL MESSAGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEteuOxdnJA

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