Reward Of A Righteous Man


Many people treat the prophet as a V.I.P. They respect their message because they want to receive the reward of the prophet. They put prophets on a pedestal just because they gave a prophetic Word or because they hold the office thereof, which is honorable. But the same respect we should give to a prophet, we should give to a righteous man. 

“He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.” Matthew 10:41

There is a reward that comes from them that most of us have missed out on. A righteous man may speak without using, “Thus saith the Lord,” and you will completely ignore it. You don’t receive them because they don’t look or speak like a prophet. But don’t think less of them. The same way that God has placed prophets in your live, He has placed righteous people. God made sure to mention them right after the prophets.

In their simplicity, they could guide you in your walk so every prophetic word given by the prophet could come to pass. So many have hundreds of prophetic words piled up in their bellies, but they are missing one thing: to receive a righteous man in their life, to receive their instruction, to receive their direction. And because of that, they go year after year without receiving a reward from a righteous man. They may live and die without ever reaching their destiny in God all because they never receive a righteous man in their lives. 

You may not have as many prophets around you because not all are called to this office, but you may have many more righteous people around you because we are all called to be righteous. So give ears to the righteous sisters and brothers next to you and you will receive a reward just as well. 

By Marlene Roessigner 

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