The Root Of Faith

Fear is the opposite of faith. Faith is spawned by the Word of God. When we don’t deeply root ourselves in the Word, fear has an opening in our life! We’re not going to overcome fear by trying to cast it down all the time. We need to just give in to the Word of God already! There’s been a lot of talk lately about beating fear, so let’s find out how to really beat it!

Everybody says we need Revival; no, we need The Word! Not the dead letter! Not reading the same old scripture for years! No, we’re talking about the Word from God that breathes life in you! That is a living force, that makes fear submit to it! The Word of God is always the answer! But people always try to escape and rely on something else. It’s time to stop running from the thing that saves us the most. And it’s time to start listening when God’s fivefold ministers speak The Word by The Spirit!

We think just saying His name all the time will save us, but it’s The Word of God that defends and keeps us on offense! The Church today is just trying to get by, by playing defense! It’s time for us to get on offense!

The only powerful weapon we have is The Words of Life! And they are the most powerful things in The Universe and have power over all matter. Because He is His Word! And to submit to the words that flow from His Spirit, is to submit to Him. “Those that have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches, let them hear!” Jesus was telling the seven churches in the book of Revelation right there. The only way to get out of your mess, the only way to stop being dead, lukewarm, is to kick out Jezebel, is to submit to His Word!

Faith will kill fear, but The Word is The Root of Faith. So really the Word will kill fear!

You want to beat fear? This is a foundational message that we always forget about. This is our answer all the time, for all our problems. The Word and our GREAT need for it! You want to overcome fear; well fear itself fears The Word!

When you covet and make the Word of God your idol, the Winds of Fear will not knock you down. The Word is a strong foundation! We need to stop casually coming around the saints; we need to start coveting what they can give us! When we get around a gift, especially a fivefold ministry gift, we need to pull on it. We need to pull on that person’s gift by desiring to receive from it. That the water of The Word in you would turn into wine! Into fresh revelation! Revelation that births celebration over the enemy!

You have problems in your life, look for The Word! Not the dead letter, but the Word that carries power! What sets us free? The Bible says The Truth sets us free! The truth of what? The Word!

So, we need to not only hear His Word, we need to start finding it. We need to go after it as if we are in a desert seeking water. And the Word is that water that will never leave you dry!

People say, “O, God, you will never leave me dry,” but God is the Word. So, yes, He will leave you dry if you stop submitting to His Word. People don’t get it: Submit to His Word = Submit to Him! Rebel against His Word = Rebel against Him!

He and His Word are not separate. It’s not like God is saying, “Here, here is something that I made that will help!” No! The word is not created. The Word is! And it is Him! It is the very insides of God. It’s what God is made of!

And this is why we go around the mountain in our warfare. I don’t want to just have glimpses of freedom anymore. I want to be free and have that freedom continue throughout my week, my year, my life. But the freedom is in His Words! That’s why the disciples never left Jesus because they said, “Where else shall we go? You have The Words of Life!” They didn’t stay just because of who He is. They stayed because he carried life, and life was in His Words!

Many submit to His Word, but they submit to the wrong understanding of it. And, therefore, it’s not The Word! You have these Bible heads that dig in their bible 24/7 but know nothing about overcoming. They are the most fearful people you know! Living and ministering out of fear! And they birth ministries that say, “Store up. Store up! The Illuminati is coming!” But if they received the real word from above, they wouldn’t even care about that because Heaven would be on earth in their life!

I promise you today, that if you would not only hear what the Spirit speaks, but SEEK what the Spirit says, you will no longer be tossed to and fro! You will overcome daily! And “The Winds of Fear” will no longer blow your way!

Father, I pray that your remnant would covet your Word again! Would hear what saith the Spirit of God! Even your servant Paul said that we should be sound in doctrine, that we would no longer be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. You know the real door to fear is any word, whether religious or worldly. Any word that does not have power and life on it is your open door to fear. We win when we watch what we hear, and we only hear from Him. And when we drown out all the strange voices! Father, let this be our warfare: to protect our ears and hear only The Word of Your Power!

By: Joe Pinto 

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