Love Collector

“Owe no man anything, but to love one another,” Romans 13:8. If the foundation of our relationship with one another as a family born out of God is this mindset, we will experience a biblical brotherly love that we have never experienced, yet.

Jesus came not to be served but to serve. The same way, if we think that we are here to love and not to be loved, the Word of Romans 13:8 will become flesh in us. That means that when you look at your brother, you are expecting nothing back: no respect, no perfection, not even love, because YOU are here for him, to serve him, to love him, and it does not have to be the same. He is not bound by the law. But you, you are the one, by the Spirit, that came to do the very things that naturally and carnally you want them to do for you.

Imagine if you and I get deep understanding of this: to not hold your brother or sister accountable concerning loving you. “They don’t owe me anything. I am the one that owes them love. They are not here to love me, to like me, to serve me. I am the one that came to their lives to do so.” We all could walk in the most incredible level of freedom. Where there are no ties.

With that mindset revelation, the lists of “they did this to me, they did that to me” or “they did not do this to me” or “they did not do this to me” won’t exist anymore. Our great leader, Jesus, never walked around the room and before the meal or during fellowship pronounced all the wrong doings of His disciples. Because He knew, “They owe me nothing.” Because He knew, “I am the one here for them.” That true servant heart helped Jesus to walk brotherly love out. And now we see His example. Now we can follow it.

Good or bad. Nothing that your brother can do to you should shake you. Because the greatest debtor is you. Not them. It hurts. It is painful. But Jesus made sure to remind Himself and now us: “Not my will, not my will. For this very reason I came. I came to serve. I came to love. And none of them has to pay me anything back.”

This, “You owe me nothing,” attitude is the deepest level of unselfish love. Do they deserve? Do they respond back? Do they appreciate? No. So did not we. But He loved us any way unto death. Our beloved Jesus, fully man, paved the way for you and me. He was the pioneer. He was the first among many.

So, today, free your brother from having to pay you back anything. And if you want to see Christ coming out of you, take your cross and deny their debts. You came to this divine family to love, and not to be loved; to serve, and not to be served. And when we all walk in obedience to the steps of Jesus our relationship will be heavenly...Owing no man anything but to love them...always loving and not always wanting to be loved back...

Holy kisses to you all.

Marlene Roessiger

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