Awakening the Giants Nicaragua

In the Old Testament, there were giants in the land, but right now, we are the giants in the land! But Jesus came and gave us power over everything. We are supposed to be the giants in the land and to stop darkness! We are supposed to be the signs and wonders to a lost world. What we have, what we are doing, and how we are doing it, is important to God. It has to be what He is doing and how He is doing it! 
God has called us to do it His way! This is a wake-up call to all the giants in the land! Don't live back in religiosity!
If you bring someone to the kingdom, and you become the living tract, the living Word of God, then you really brought them in. 
Everything that I am telling you is in the Word of God, but if I have to wait for you to see it, what kind of messenger am I? If you have the kingdom of God inside of you, you will be very confident about it. 
If you become a tract, they will hunt you down. What do we have to do to be saved? 
People think they will go to heaven because of their works. They are never born again. Never born again. 
In religion, you fall asleep but not under the anointing. But when you are hungry, the anointing will pull you in!
For the religious people, they are like, "When can we get a cup of coffee?" 
This is a fasting by the Holy Spirit: You are so hungry for heavenly bread that you forget to eat.
God will never give revival to a religious system. God does not move by needs. Everybody needs food, but people die hungry. Everybody needs salvation, but Jesus did not save all. 
He is saying to us all: "I am calling you to do it My way. Not the way of your culture or your traditions. Doing it My way, this year, you will see the harvest, but you better seek my way, Peter.” 
Peter got in the boat again and had faith in His Word. Our traditions are not working and denominational ordinances are not working. He had to give it another shot. Peter decided to stop striving and do it His way. 
The nets started breaking! The harvest was so much! And they went to the boats next to him asking for help! But now everybody is doing this way and that way, but there is only one way to do it! It is called Jesus! 
When he saw the harvest, he felt down at the feet of Jesus: What kind of power is this? 
Peter said: Depart from me. I  am so religious! Depart from me, God. I know my traditions separated me from God. I am so tired! I am so ashamed of myself! Peter really humbled himself! 
A church without the Spirit is not the church! Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we are naked just like Peter! 
Before your eyes were open, you could never see your shame! Jesus met Peter doing the same! The same place Jesus called Peter out from, he went back to that same place. The same place! And Peter was naked! Embarrassed! He denied Him 3 times! Peter feed my sheep, my lambs! Peter was converted and never went back again! 
We need to be converted! We need to repent and let God do church His way! We need to be a church where the gates of hell shall not prevail. That is the church of Jesus Christ! We have a godly form, a form of religion with no power! A church who walks in holiness has authority over the kingdom of darkness! A pure apostolic church! Repent and go back to Christ Jesus's ways! This is the end-time church that God is restoring. Awake! Awake! Wake up! 

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