Grass Roots of Deception

It’s not falling into temptation. It’s not compromising knowingly and despising your weakness. It’s not even thinking wrongly about the Word. It’s when you incorporate the wrong interpretation of scripture into your heart and mind as being the way and making it your belief system, and you begin to teach and tell others to follow that opinion or interpretation that is contrary to sound doctrine and the mind of Christ. Then you begin to eat the leaven of your own bread and share it with others, contaminating the Word of God and contaminating the hearts and minds that you are influencing. It’s not about being perfect in your flesh, but you are allowing imperfection now as the right way and covering it with Grace.

Ultimately, you are now being influenced and guided by your own thinking and exalting your own way. Now you are being led by the spirit of error instead of the Spirit of God by thinking God won't do this and He won’t do that because of His overwhelming love. Satan uses God’s love to convince you in a wrong way. No matter how passionate we become for Jesus, we can become reprobates to faith, and your passion becomes misdirected. The promise of the Holy Spirit guiding us into all Truth was established in being rooted and grounded fully in the Word. So let’s cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Let this mind be in you that is also in Jesus Christ. Satan is always sitting and waiting to see who he can deceive. The mind and the heart is the door. Pride opens the door, and humility keeps it shut. God Bless. Shane Roessiger

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